Create Custom Layout using various Widgets

You can create a customized layout using various widgets provided in the Design Toolbar. You can plot any number of widgets on the panel. You can also customize the layout using page breaks and further plot widgets onto it. In extension to this, you can create custom reports page-wise for all pages as designed in the layout. In the subsequent section, we are describing various widgets in the Design toolbar and the way you can plot them on the panel.

Add Widget

In add widget, the user can add a particular widget from the options provided. There are the following types of widgets which a user can add which are listed below:

Data Widget

This displays only one value of the graph whether it is Average, Maximum, Minimum, Standard Deviation, Last Sample, or Sample count along with the graph name and display name. Different color icons represent different graphs. Vector count is also supported as a data widget.

Figure 151: Data Widget

Graph Widget

This displays the outcome of the monitoring in the form of graphs. Graphs can be of any type, such as normal, percentile, slab count, category, and so on. Based on the graph type, there are chart types, such as Line, Bar, Area, Percentile, Slab, Meter, Geo Map, and so on.

Figure 152: Graph Widget

Tabular Widget

This displays monitoring data in tabular form. The data contains Average, Maximum, Minimum, Standard Deviation, Last Sample, and Sample Count by choice. In this widget, you can show stats of graphs. You can select graphs from the tree using merge operation, drop operation, and advance setting.

Figure 153: Tabular Widget

Label Widget

Label widget is used to specify any user defined text on the panel. You can specify any text (such as comments/description/observations) on this widget and can format it (such as font size, bold/italics/underline, alignment) based on the requirements.

Figure 154: Label Widget

Image Widget

Image widget is used to plot any image on the panel. Using this, you can add snapshots in reports for better understanding of data. You can edit the panel caption by clicking the Edit Title button. Click the Upload Image  button within the image widget and select an image from your computer. This displays the selected image within the panel.

Figure 155: Image Widget

Note: The supported format type for uploading an image is: JPG or PNG.

File Widget

This facilitates you to create a tabular widget from file data. The file should contain proper data and columns should be separated with a specific delimiter. This prompts you to provide the file path and column delimiter.

Figure 156: File Widget

Note: Click the Upload button    to enter a file path or upload a file. You can upload a file from the server or from a local machine. On clicking the Upload button , the Select File Window is displayed.

Figure 157: Select File Window

In Select File Window, you have to select the file which is to be uploaded on the destination path.

Note: If you want to upload the file from local, you have to click on the Choose File  button. 

On clicking the choose file button, the Upload Files dialogbox will appear as shown in below Figure 158

Figure 158: Upload Files

To upload a file from your local, click on the Choose  button. On clicking the choose button, a dialogbox will appear and you have to select the required file (s) to be uploaded as shown in below Figure 159.

Figure 159

Once you have select the file to be uploaded, the selected file will be displayed on the Upload Files dialogbox as shown in the below Figure 160.

Figure 160: Upload Files


  1. To upload the selected file, click on the Upload If you don’t want to upload the file, you can click on the Cancel  button.
  2. You can choose the following file formats for uploading the files such as: .txt, .csv

Once you click on the Upload button, it will display a success message as shown in below Figure 161. Click on Ok  to close the window.

Figure 161: Success Message

Note: Once you click on the Ok button, the Select File window will display as shown in Figure 162.

Figure 162: Select File Window

On the Select File Window, click on the Get File Data  button to display the data on the widget as shown in below Figure 163.

Figure 163: Data Widget


  • You can expand the window by clicking on the Expand icon To collapse the window, click on the Collapse  icon.
  • You can also upload a file, to upload a file click on Upload button.
  • You can also edit the title name by clicking the edit the title of the widget by clicking on the Edit Title
  • You can also clone a widget i.e.: making a duplicate of the widget by clicking on the Clone Widget

Selecting a File from Server

  • To select a file from the server, locate the CSV file and click the Choose File button. On selecting this, File Manager window will be displayed. The file path gets added in the Select File dialog box.
  • Select the column delimiter from the drop-down list. By default, we have Space (), Comma (,), Pipe (|) as column delimiter. If any other comma delimited needs to be specified, select ‘Other’ from the drop-down list and specify the delimiter.
  • Click the Get File Data button to get the file data in tabular format on the widget. 
Figure 164: File Manager

Selecting a File from Local

  • To select a file from the server, click the Choose File This displays the Upload Files dialog box.
Figure 165: Upload Files Dialog box
  • Click the Choose button and select the file from local.
Figure 166

Once you have select the file to be uploaded, the selected file will be displayed on the Upload Files dialogbox as shown in the below Figure 167.

Figure 167: Upload Files
  • Notes:

    1. To upload the selected file, click on the Upload button. If you don’t want to upload the file, you can click on the Cancel  button.
    2. You can choose the following file formats for uploading the files such as: .txt, .csv

    Once you click on the Upload button, it will display a success message as shown in below Figure 168. Click on Ok to close the window.

Figure 168: Success Message
  • Select the column delimiter from the drop-down list and click the Get File Data button to get the file data in tabular format on the widget.
Figure 169: Get File Data
  • Apart from this, you can edit the panel caption.

Note: To select another file, follow the same steps as mentioned earlier.

Group Widget

You can add more than one widget type according to your requirements. It can also be called as a Widget Inside Another Widget. Once all the widgets are added, you can group them together. Using a scroll bar you can monitor all the added widgets. To add a group widget, click on the Add New Widget icon -> Click on the Add Group Widget from the drop-down as shown in below figure.

Figure 170: Add Group Widget

Note: Once you click on the Add Group Widget option from the drop-down, a New Widget will be added on the dashboard as shown in below figure.

Figure 171: New Widget

Other Operations

Apart from plotting widgets on the panel, you can perform several other operations, such as: Create Page Breaker, Reposition Widgets, Resize Widgets, Save A Layout, Disable Design Mode, Show/Hide Design Toolbar, and Clear All Widgets.

Note: In the subsequent sections, details of all the operations are provided.

Reposition Widgets

You can reposition a widget on the panel by dragging a widget and dropping at the desired location.

Resize Widgets

You can resize a widget by resizing a widget from the bottom right corner, which appears on mouse hover.

Figure 172: Resizing a Widget

Save a Layout

To save a layout, click the  button. This displays the Save As Layout dialog box. Click OK for saving the layout.

The Save Layout window is displayed. Provide the layout name, layout description, and click OK.

Figure 173: Save as Custom Layout

Note: A confirmation message is displayed for successful saving of layout and navigates to Dashboard home page. To view the saved layout, go to Advanced Settings > Layout Selection > Custom and select the custom layout.

Figure 174: Custom

This displays the saved layout.

Figure 175: Saved Layout

Analysis Mode

To disable design mode, click the Analysis Mode  icon. This displays the Confirmation dialog box. Click on No  button as shown in below figure.

Disable Design Mode

To disable design mode, click the  icon. This displays the Design Mode dialog box. Click Cancel.

Figure 176: Confirmation Dialog Box

On clicking the No button, the design mode is disabled and normal mode is displayed as shown in below figure.

The design mode is disabled and normal mode is displayed.

Figure 177: Normal Mode

Add Widget in Canvas Mode

You can add different type of widget  by clicking the  icon.

Figure 178: Add Widget in Canvas Mode

In Add Widget option, you can add the following types of widgets in Canvas Mode which are listed below:

  • Data Widget
  • Graph Widget
  • Tabular Widget
  • Label Widget
  • Image Widget
  • File Widget

Note: For more details on different types of widgets, refer to Add Widget section.

Remove All Widgets

To clear all widgets, click the Remove All Widget  icon. This displays a dialog box prompting for deleting all widgets as shown in below figure.

Figure 179: Delete Confirmation Dialog Box

On clicking Yes   button, all the widgets are deleted as shown in below figure.

Figure 180: Deleted Widgets

Note: In case a user doesn’t want to delete all widgets, they can click on No button.

Remove Widgets

To remove a widget, select the widget you want to remove and click on the Remove Widget  icon. This displays a dialog box prompting for removing the widget.

Figure 181: Confirmation Dialog Box

On clicking Yes  button, the selected widgets will be deleted as shown in below figure.

Figure 182

Note: In case a user doesn’t want to delete all widgets, they can click on No  button.

Save Layout as Favorite

Once the layout is designed with widgets on the panel, you need to save it as a favorite for report generation. To do this, follow the below mentioned steps:

  • Click the Dashboard icon on the top left corner of the window. Click on the Dashboard List The dashboard list option is displayed.
Figure 183: Dashboard List
  • Click on the Add button to add a new dashboard. This displays the Add New Dashboard
Figure 184: Add New Dashboard
  • Provide the dashboard name and dashboard description.
Figure 185
  • Click on the Browse button, the File Manager window will be displayed.
Figure 186: File Manager Window
  • Enter the path where the directory needs to be created, in Create Directory Click on Add button to add the directory to the table.


    • To create the favorite on root, just click Apply button. 
    • To create it within an existing folder, select that Folder.
    • To create it within a new folder, click the Create Folder button and specify the folder name.
  •  Once the directory is added on the table, click on the Apply button.
  •  The added favorite will be displayed on the Dashboard Favorite List
Figure 187: Dashboard Favorite List Window

Note: You can grant following accessibility based on the requirements, which are listed below:

  • Read/Write: In this option, other users can view and edit this favorite.
  • Read Only: In this option, other users can only view this favorite.
  • Private Only: In this option, other users cannot view/edit this favorite.

This displays a message that your favorite is saved successfully.

Figure 188: Confirmation Message

Note: Once the favorite is created, you can generate custom reports. This is explained in the subsequent section.

Generate Custom Reports

After saving the layout as favorite, you can proceed to generate a custom report. To do this, follow the below mentioned steps:

  1. Go to the Reports > Metrics > Performance Stats Report.
Figure 189: Performance Stats Reports

2. The Performance Stats Report window will be displayed as shown in below figure.

Figure 190: Performance Stats Report

3. To create a new Performance Stats Report click Add Report button.

4. This displays the add report window.

Figure 191: Add Report Window

5. In the Add Report window, user has to enter the following details:


In details, there are following fields are listed below:

  1. Report Name: Here the user has to enter the report name.
  2. Report Type: Here the user has to select the report type.
  3. Visualization: Here the user has to select the type of visualization such as: Tabular, Word, and HTML.

Note: If you want to display all the data samples of the generated report, then click on the Show All Data Samples checkbox.

Preset Option

In preset option, there are following two options:

  1. Preset: A user can apply the following presets available:
  • Live: To view live data. For example – Last 5 minutes, Last 10 minutes, Last 30 days, This week, This Month, This year.
  • Past: To view past data. For example – Last week, Last 2 weeks, Last 2 months, Last year.
  • Events: To view data for some specific events. For example – Black Friday, Christmas Day, Good Friday, and Cyber Monday.
    1. Custom: To fill the start & end date and time. It is enabled when you do not select the Preset option.
    2. View by: To specify the format of aggregated data (such as hours, minutes, and seconds) based on the selection of the Preset option. View by contains the following options:
  • Auto: It is used to select sample intervals automatically as per duration of compared measurements.
  • Second: It contains the values, such as 10 Sec, 20 Sec, 30 Sec, 40 Sec & 50 Sec.
  • Minute: It contains the values, such as 1 Min, 2 Min, 4 Min, 5 Min, 10 Min, 15 Min & 30 Min.
  • Hour: It contains the values, such as 1 Hours, 2 Hours, 4 Hours, 6 Hours & 12 Hours.

Metric Option

  • There are following options available which are listed below:
  • Select Metrics
  • Using Template
  • Using Favorite
  • In Select Metrics, the user has to fill up the Metric Selection having the following fields:
  • Report Sets: In this field, the list of report sets is shown which has been added by the user.
  • Report Sets Details: In this field, the user has to provide the report set name.
  • The user has to select the Graph Type, Chart Type, Formula Type.
  • On selecting the Threshold option, the user has to provide: Minor, Major, and Critical values.

Note: If a user selects the Charts Per Subject option, the chart data will be shown in Per Metric Chart format.

  • Metric Group: In this field, the user has to select the metric group which they want to use.
  • Metrics: In this field, the user has to select the type of metric that they want to use.
  • Subject:
  • In this field, the user has to select the subject.
  • There are following two options:
  • All: If a user selects this option, then the metric will be applied on all subjects.
  • Selected Subject: If a user selects this option, then the metric will be applied only on the selected subjects.

Note: After filing up all the details, the user has to click on the Save as Template  option in order to save the template.

Filter By Value Option

In Filter By Value Option, the user can select from the following options listed below:

  • All Non-Zero: Displays the graphs with non-zero values.
  • All Zero: Displays the graphs with zero values.
  • Advanced: Displays some advanced level operations as below.
  • Value: There are following filter options, such as <, >, <=, >=, Top, Bottom, In between, which helps to achieve the desired output.
  • By: You can filter graph values by Min, Max, and Avg values of its graph data. You can also use the Include or Exclude options to get the filtered results.


  1. The user has to click on the Enable Filter option, in order to apply the filter.
  2. After filing up all the details, the user has to click on the Generate button to generate the template.
  3. Once you have filled up all the required details on the respective fields, click on the Generate This generates the report in PDF format as shown in below figure.
Figure 192: Generated Report (PDF)